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Computer, Notebook, PC, PDA
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Bluetooth devices, GPS, Drones
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Handsfree headset
Hardware Service Tools
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Memory Cards, Flash Stick
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Mobile phone charger
Mobile Phones, Sim card, Dummy
Security System
Spare repair Parts Mobile Phones, Smartphone, SmartWatch
Button (joystick,on-off...)
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Camera internal mobile phones
Contact battery, and others..
Flex cable Hinge Ribbon
Hinge System
Housing Cover Mobile Phones
Internal pcb parts PA, IC, CR, A.S, MATRIX...
Keypad UI module board, lcd board
Lcd Display mobile phone and Smartphones
Main pcb boards
Mechanic Slider system
Pen stylish
Plug in charging system connector, Board
RF signal cables
Speaker voice
Switches (joystick,on-off...)
Tape for LCD, Touch, Battery Cover
Window Glass Len, Touch screen Digitizer panel
Tempered glass Display protective Film
ULTRASONIC Cleaner, Liquid
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