This is a first aid preparation CLEANER IPA 60 after flooding the electronics. Removes harmful residues from cola, juice, tea, coffee, milk, beer, water, etc.
Reduces the consumption of 100% isopropyl alcohol, and thus the cost of repair. Using IPA 60 Cleaner immediately after flooding significantly increases the success of the repair, and in some cases repair may not be necessary. The product is recommended for ultrasonic cleaners - the right effect can be achieved even when heated to 20 ° C. After bathing in an ultrasonic cleaner, dry with Compressed Air brand Elektronic Spray.
Only our product Cleaner IPA 60 contains super pure isopropyl alcohol diluted with redistilled deionized water with a conductivity lower than 0.07µS, in a ratio of 60% alcohol and 40% water. Counterfeits of this product have appeared on the market, in which isopropyl alcohol is diluted with distilled water, which is unfavorable and even dangerous for the cleaned elements, because distilled water causes corrosion after some time!