The GSM 41-C is a bidirectional telephone receiver compatible with all alarm centers. It is activated by a contact no. (Normally open) or n. (Normally closed). Allows you to store an alarm message for up to 30 seconds and to call 6 different phone numbers. It also integrates other features of great utility such as sending sms messages.
Technical features:
° One-way bidirectional telephone communicator with industrial MODULE
A programmable alarm channel N.A. / N.C. Active on transition.
° Six telephone numbers for 16-digit alarm call ??
° Four telephone numbers for remote control function.
• Three phone numbers for SIM matricion up to 16 digits.
° A Voicemail max 30 ?? Freely programmable.
° Possibility to listen to the recorded voice message through the loudspeaker
° Message sending option: voice and / or SMS.
° Alarm SMS message selectable from a list of 10 presets.
• SIM maturity notice with pre-defined SMS message.
° Allows you to interrupt / exclude all ongoing calls.
° An open status collector output.
° Date and time management.
° Checking when SIM is switched on and working properly.
• System vitality reporting.
° Block or programming command input.
° Setting call cycles.
° Setting the repeat number of messages.
° Reporting the field value.
° Network Reporting.
° Watch-Dog Circuit of Super Vision of Microprocessing Operation
° Display of memory contents: telephone numbers, cycles
Message repetition etc ..
° Buzzer signal remoting connector.
° External GSM antenna.
° Standard battery pack for date and time.
° Protector against the opening of the cover.