The KX-TE82494 Caller ID card allows Caller Line Identity for incoming calls to be logged. Can handle up to three lines simultaneously.
Expansion card for Panasonic PBX Systems KX-TEA308 & KX-TES824.
This is a 3 Port Caller ID Card, it allows users to see the caller's identification, name if its in the memory, the phone number if not. The function works on standard single lines & with proprietory phones or any single line phone with display.
The network provider should supports the Caller ID service.
Up to 3 cards in KX-TES824 & maximum 1 in KX-TEA308
Caller ID Card for Panasonic KX-T 308 / KX-T 824
Caller ID for 3 Lines
Simple Plug & Play Set-up
Max 1 Card can be Used on the KX-T308 CCU
Max 3 Cards can be Used on the KX-T824 CCU