The GMC (GSM Multi Control) is a remote control, paging and automation system via the GSM network.
The GMC has a total of 13 ports (inputs / outputs). Of these, the first 6 are inputs and the other 7 exits. Port operation can be changed. All ports can be input, while some can be analog inputs or thermocouple inputs. Also two of these can be microphone input and output for headphone or amplifier.
It can easily be configured to work like: mobile remote control, alarm, temperature control, pump station remote control, automatic hands-free communication system, announcement system. And of course, due to the many inputs it has, we can combine all of the above functions into a device.
All of the above functions are implemented by enabling all or some of the following features we have through GMC.
Set up to 4 phone numbers that can control the system.
Send SMS to unzip its exits.
Call when an entry is triggered.
Connect a thermocouple and set the acceptable temperature limits
Connect any other sensor that has an analog output and set the acceptable voltage limits.
Send a full SMS report for the status of all entries and exits when an entry is triggered.
Define what events each of the 4 phones will receive.
Request at any time, via SMS or unanswered call, a report on the status of costs and entries.
We arm and disarm it with a missed call or activation of one of its entrances.
Receive SMS arming / disarming confirmation.
Connect a siren and set a number of its operating cycles.
Specify the maximum number of SMS reports to be sent.
Connect a microphone or speakerphone