New Kingston's Micro Select Canvas Select Plus memorycard is compatible with Android devices and offers classA1 performance. Higher card speed and capacity up to512GB1 speeds up application loading and allows you tosave photos and videos. The Canvas Select PlusmicroSD card is characterized by tremendousperformance, speed and durability. It is reliable in savingand processing photos and video in full HD. Kingston'sCanvas Cards are subjected to rigorous durability tests inthe harshest environments and operating conditions - soyou can take them on the road and be sure that yourphotos, videos and files are safe. The cards are coveredby a lifetime warranty.
Capacities1 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB, 128 GB, 256 GB, 512 GB
Performance2 100 MB/s Read (16 GB-128 GB)
100/85 MB/s Read/Write (256 GB-512 GB)
Dimensions 11 mm x 15 mm x 1 mm (microSD)
24 mm x 32 mm x 2.1 mm (with SD adapter)
Format FAT32 (16 GB-32 GB), exFAT (64 GB-512 GB)
Operating temperature -25 °C~85 °C
Storage temperature -40 °C~85 °C
Voltage 3.3 V
Warranty/support Lifetime