TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 1/2 CRC RUST REMOVER Ref. : 10460 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Scale and rust remover concentrate.CRC Rust Remover is a phosphoric acid based concentrate used to remove rust and toclean metal surfaces. It cleans tarnish, oxidation, stains, fingerprints and scale from iron,steel, copper, brass and aluminium. 2. FEATURES • Excellent wetting capacity on both ferrous and non-ferrous metals. • Contains an inhibitor to reduce the attack of the metal surface and to prevent the formation of hydrogen. • Economical concentrate.• Can be diluted with water to any concentration needed (see Directions for detailed information). • Specifications : meets the performance requirements of Mil-C-10578 (type III). 3. APPLICATIONS • Rust and scale removal from : ferrous metals non-ferrous metals • Oxidation and stains removal from : aluminium copper brass, ... • Metals preparation prior to painting • Cleaning of : in-process parts and assemblies sheet metal • Restoration of rusted parts. • Removal of metal and rust stains from porous materials. 4. DIRECTIONS • Heavy rust and scale (ferrous metals) : dilute concentrate with 3 parts water. Metal should be immersed 20 minutes to 1 hour. Remove and rinse metal with water and treat immediately with CRC 3-36 for water displacement and corrosion protection. • Heavy corrosion (non-ferrous) : dilute concentrate with 7 to 10 parts water. Metal should be immersed 20 minutes to 1 hour. Periodically check non-ferrous metals. Remove and rinse with water. Treat immediately with CRC 3-36 for water displacement and corrosion protection.
As a metal cleaner (ferrous and non-ferrous) : dilute concentrate with 15 to 20 parts water. Metal may be immersed, brushed or wiped until the desired brightness is obtained. Rinse with water and treat immediately with CRC 3-36 for water displacement and corrosion protection. • Heating (up to 65°C max.), agitation or wiping will speed up cleaning action. • Quicker results are obtained by prior removal of oil and grease, using CRC Industrial Degreaser or CRC Fast Dry Degreaser. • CRC Rust Remover is mildly acidic; therefore, reasonable care should be taken. Rubber gloves and protective goggles are recommended. • Equipment used must be made of acid resisting material such as stainless steel, wood, rubber, plastic, glass or ceramic. • A safety data sheet according EU directive 93/112 is available for all CRC products. 5. TYPICAL PRODUCT DATA Appearance : clear liquid Specific gravity (@ 20°C) : 1,30 Boiling point (initial) : 108°C Freezing point : -15°C Flash point : none pH (@ 20°C) concentrate : 1 diluted 1/10 : 1,8 diluted 1/20 : 2,0 Phosphoric acid content: 47% 6. PACKAGING bottle : 12 x 250 mlbulk : 5 l 20 l All statements in this publication are based on service experience and/or laboratory testing. Because of the wide variety of equipment and conditions and the unpredictable human factors involved, we recommend that our products be tested on-the-job prior to use. All information is given in good faith but without warranty neither expressed nor implied. This Technical Data Sheet may already have been revised at this moment for reason such as legislation, availability of components and newly acquired experiences. The latest and only valid version of this Technical Data Sheet will be sent to you upon simple request. Version : 10460 03 0198 02 Date : 26 september 200